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Utah Poised to Make History: Food Tax Removal and Education Funding Boost on the Horizon

Salt Lake City, UT (Feb 18, 2023) – Utah lawmakers are considering a proposal to remove the state’s food sales tax from the constitutional earmark for education. The proposal, which was introduced by Rep. Steve Eliason, R-Sandy, would remove the 4.85% sales tax on food from the constitutional earmark for education, which currently requires that all income tax revenue be used for education.

The proposal would also require that the state’s income tax revenue be used for education, but it would not require that the food sales tax be used for education. This would allow the state to use the revenue from the food sales tax for other purposes, such as infrastructure or health care.

Supporters of the proposal argue that it would provide the state with more flexibility in how it allocates its revenue. They also argue that it would allow the state to use the revenue from the food sales tax to fund other important programs, such as infrastructure or health care.

Opponents of the proposal argue that it would reduce the amount of money available for education. They argue that the state should not be allowed to use the revenue from the food sales tax for other purposes, as it would reduce the amount of money available for education. – Wasatch Defense Lawyers does not represent any parties mentioned above, nor is it our intent to represent any of the parties. If you would like to contribute to this story, or are in need of a legal consultation, contact us through our website or by calling (801) 980-9965. – Source: KSL.com

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